Every day Jesus sends angels to open prison doors, messages to guide us and instruct us on the path he has for us to follow, the path that leads to an eternal life spent in his presences. The lesson for us is this; realize the ability of Peter and the others to hear, see and know God’s will happened not in an instantaneous event, it came from walking with Jesus daily, fishermen opening the scriptures and studying, regular guys earnestly seeking a savior on their knees. The confidence and security Peter displays is available to each of us, he was a regular guy much like each of us, his only strength, he tenaciously followed Jesus; he became honestly aware of his faults and grew intentionally and completely dependant upon his best friend.
Jesus may have called you to be a pastor, an elder or a church leader but most of us are called to other things, we have other roles to play in the salvation drama. I can assure you however we all have been called as men to an awesome responsibility to lead His sheep, the families God has blessed us with. This is a responsibility we are unprepared to accomplish and only by following the example of Peter can we meet God’s expectations for us. Open up to him completely, recognize like Peter we will never be ready, always do the wrong thing, never be perfect but always be following Jesus. Open his word and you will find him calling you to teach your family all the words of this life. The story of Jesus and the amazing plans he has for them and what he was willing to do for them. These are the words of life, the words Peter spoke on the temple stairs and the words we can share around the tables in our homes.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
God's Will for the Regular Guy
Posted by
Scott Wagner
8:43 AM
Labels: christian men, christians, church, God's Will, guys, Jesus, Men, Peter
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Great Grace
There is a connection between great grace and total commitment to serving the needs of others. The statements great grace and “nor was there anyone among them who lacked” are linked. Simply put Acts describes a Christian community with “great grace” as a community that witnesses about Jesus and cares for the needs of all, a community of individuals with a total commitment to meeting the needs of all the people. There was a group of people, besides the twelve apostles, who had followed Jesus, sat at his feet and witnessed his tender interactions with so many hurting people. This group of men and women gathered the food, carried the tent, got the fire wood and tended to the needs of Jesus and the twelve. This was the core of the new church and they carried on doing for the new believers what they had done for Jesus. This is the group the writer of Acts discribes as having "Great Grace" upon them.
Posted by
Scott Wagner
7:43 AM
Labels: christian, christians, church, grace, Jesus
Sunday, November 2, 2008
A Stone House
Christianity is a stone house, each stone representing a believer, it is a house made of rejected stones. This house, made of Christians, is a special new nation, a royal priesthood with the purpose of proclaiming the amazing power of God to save us all. We are to live as examples, not to show how good we are but rather to demonstrate how powerful God is. A loving Christian example speaks more clearly of God’s ability to change and affect lives than the most eloquent sermon. Our deeds of Christian service will stand in the minds of those we encounter as the definition of God’s fairness at the judgment. By living under His control and by His rules we clearly show how salvation is available to all who seek.
Posted by
Scott Wagner
8:57 AM
Saturday, November 1, 2008
In the last few months life has changed dramatically and I open these pages once again with a renewed sense of purpose. I will again be posting questions relevant to Sabbath School classes in an effort to provide a starting place for those adult sabbath school teachers struggling to find a starting place for their discussions. In addition I will be posting notes, observations and excerpts from a book I am attempting to write about Peter. I did not set out to write a book, I have been engulfed in a crisis of faith and in the life of Peter found an example to use, in a very personal way, on a journey to rebuild my personal faith. The notes, observations and relevant thoughts I am assembling describe my faith story. Comments and encouragement are welcome.
Posted by
Scott Wagner
9:05 AM
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Jesus the Teacher
What did Jesus want to teach us about while he was here?
How did Jesus redefine God to those he spoke to?
Does his description of God affect us today?
How does seeing God as the Father of Jesus affect how we feel about Him?
Matthew 5:1-12
Why did this teaching amaze those who listened with it wisdom?
Does this passage have significant for us today? Why?
Do you see yourself in these words?
What does it mean by blessed?
How does this teaching relate to the Law given by Jesus on the Mount?
Hearing Jesus redefines Life, how does his teaching impact you?
How does his teaching give meaning to Humility, Grace and Forgiveness?
Can you trust his teaching?
Can we be the people Jesus describes in the beatitudes?
How does a student of Christ look in this church, today?
Posted by
Scott Wagner
7:58 AM
Labels: Discussion Questions, Sabbath School Lesson, SDA Lesson help
Friday, April 18, 2008
Sabbath School Discussion Questions
Why is it important Jesus choose to be a human?
How can we know Jesus was human?
What signs do we see in the stories of Jesus time that reveal his humanity?
Did Jesus have to suffer the same temptations as us?
Did he have to deal with the same or similar problems as us?
How does knowing he dealt with sin affect our attitude towards him?
How do you think He feels about us?
Do you identify more when people or causes that you have experienced?
What was the purpose of his human incarnation?
We see lots of examples in history of men claiming to be gods, but here is a case of God claiming to be man, why is this significant?
Can we explain how Jesus could be divine and human at the same time?
What is the danger in dwelling on the humanity of Christ?
Is it possible to make him to human and what happens when we do?
Why did Jesus choose not to use his divine power?
Did Jesus’ sinlessness win us salvation or did his sacrifice win salvation?
How does seeing Jesus, with a human experience, in heaven working on your behalf impact your personal relationship with Jesus?
Posted by
Scott Wagner
11:23 AM
Labels: Sabbath School Lesson, SDA Lesson help
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Discussion Questions for Feb 16 Sabbath School Class
Mark 3:1-12
What do you notice about Jesus’ instructions?
Do all of these things apply to us today? How
Why did Jesus send the twelve out?
Why was there a delay between being called to discipleship and becoming apostles for the twelve?
How is the time of a disciple spent?
Luke 10:1-23
How is this similar to the commission of the twelve?
How is it different?
Why were they so happy?
What did Jesus say was the point of being a disciple?
What does discipleship have to do with having your name written in the book of life?
Matthew 5:13-16
What can we learn about being disciples from these verses?
How can you apply this?
Matthew 7:1-5
What can we learn about being disciples from these verses?
How can you apply this?
Matthew 7:15-20
What can we learn about being disciples from these verses?
How can you apply this?
What does being a disciple look like today?
Have you seen these truths reflected in the lives of those around you?
How do we reflect this in our lives?
If the Sermon on the Mount is our marching orders, what is Jesus telling us to do?
What does being a disciple look like today?
Posted by
Scott Wagner
8:01 AM
Labels: Discussion Questions, Sabbath School Lesson, Salvation and Discipleship
Saturday, February 9, 2008
A Dogs Life
The lesson impacted me this week greatly. As I prayfully read the story of the canaanite woman begging for the health of her child I came to see a truth. I have always identified myself with the disciples, the followers of Jesus, but truly I am but one of the dogs at his feet. It's amazing what a change in perspective can do. Seeing myself in a different way impacts the way I see Jesus. The effect my newfound perspective has on the way I relate to everyone around me is profound. My prayer for this week will be that I may keep this perspective and continue to live "a dogs life" as I relate to my neighbors.
Posted by
Scott Wagner
7:39 AM
Discipleship and Race
The Samaritans
The leper - Luke 17:11-16
Was there any distinction in the group before they were healed?
Why is it important that the Samaritan was the only one who returned?
What does this demonstrate about Jesus’ healing touch?
Who was he sent to heal?
The woman at the well - John 4:39-42
Why did the people come to hear Jesus?
What did Jesus do when the crowd came out to see him?
What did the people come to believe?
Why did the believe Jesus was the savior of the earth?
The Gentiles
The centurion - Luke 7:1-11
Who was this man and why did the Jews urge him to heal the servant?
What can we learn about disciple ship from how this man treated his servant?
How did the centurion get word about his servant to Jesus?
How did the centurion know about Jesus?
Why did the man send a servant to ask Jesus not to come to his house?
What can we learn about discipleship from this story?
Cornelius - Acts 10:28, 34, 35
Who was this man and why did an angel appear to him?
What was he told by the angle to do?
How did God prepare Peter to go and minister to these people?
Who was waiting for Peter when he returned with the servants?
What can we learn about discipleship from this story?
The woman – Matt 15-21-28
Does anything trouble you about this story?
Why were the disciples so hostile to this woman?
What lesson did the disciples learn from this story?
What can we learn from the disciples about discipleship in this story?
Us – Acts 11:1-3, Acts 17:26-28, Heb 2:9
What group of people would cause you to be shocked that a disciple would eat with?
What group do we belong to?
Does recognizing that all of us are as the dogs at Jesus feet impact how you see your neighbor?
Because of the civil rights movements in this country we really don’t have racial prejudices but do we make distinctions among believers?
Once again what group makes you uncomfortable to sit down with and share a meal?
How will this lesson affect you this week, how will it affect your behavior towards those who make us uncomfortable?
Posted by
Scott Wagner
7:34 AM
Labels: Discipleship, Ethnicity and religion, Race and discipleship
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Women Disciples - Sabbath School Discussion Questions , February 2nd
Women in Ministry - Luke 8:1-3
How did the Jewish religion view women?
Could women contribute spiritually?
Could they go to the temple and participate?
What did the crowd around Jesus look like?
What role did women have in Jesus’ ministry?
Mary – Luke 1:26-38
What would you have said?
How would you have felt?
Why did Mary take on this huge commitment?
What can we learn about discipleship from Mary?
The Women Who Touched His Garment – Mark 5:25-34
How did she approach Jesus?
Why was she so reticent?
Why did Jesus react so strongly to her touch?
What can we learn about discipleship from the woman?
Martha and Mary – Luke 10:38-42
What was Mary doing that annoyed Martha?
Why did Martha get upset?
What did Jesus tell Martha? Why?
What can we learn from this story about discipleship?
The Woman at the Well
How did Jesus approach this woman?
What did he say to her that impacted her so much?
What was her reaction?
What does it say about the kind of people Jesus is willing to use to bring others to him?
What characteristics of discipleship did this woman exhibit?
Lessons from Women
There is something unique about the perspective of these women that gives us a different view of what it means to be a disciple, how was their service different than the twelve?
Being a disciple includes more that just teaching and preaching, what characteristics of discipleship did these women demonstrate?
How can we apply these lessons to our own lives?
Posted by
Scott Wagner
6:45 AM
Labels: Women Ministry Discipleship
Saturday, January 19, 2008
The Call of Jesus, SS Disscussion Questions
Luke 5:1-11
Did Jesus have a relationship with the four?
Why did Jesus choose these men?
Why did Jesus use Peter’s boat?
Why did he instruct them to try and fish again?
What does Peters answer tell us about Peter?
Why did Jesus fill their boats with fish?
What was their response when Jesus asks them to follow him?
How did they know it was the right thing to do?
Luke 5:27-29
How were tax collectors viewed in Jewish society?
Why did Jesus call Matthew?
What was Jesus demonstrating by reaching out to Matthew?
How do you think the other disciple reacted?
How do you think the call of Matthew impacted Jesus’ ministry?
Do you think the disciples knew Jesus before he called them to follow him?
Did Jesus know them?
While they clearly didn’t understand his mission what did they see in him that emboldened them to follow him?
What advantage do we have today?
Does Jesus want us to be his disciples? How is he calling us?
Would you be willing to trust him completely and follow him?
Posted by
Scott Wagner
7:30 AM
Labels: Discipleship, Sabbath School Lesson
Thursday, January 10, 2008
The Speeding Festiva
As I sat waiting at one of the seeming hundred stop lights on the way to work the other day something caught my attention in the car next to me. I was patiently waiting next to a Ford Festiva, a fine little car roughly the size and shape of a skate, when I noticed on the dash a top of the line, super deluxe radar detector. Now that is the definition of optimism right there. Even if the pedals could propel the car to speeds greater than the speed limit any officer would be so shocked the thought of actually writing a ticket would flee his mind. Yep, very optimistic indeed.
Posted by
Scott Wagner
5:56 PM
Labels: Festiva, radar detectors.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Sabbath School Discussion Questions - January 5
We embark upon a new quarterly this sabbath and I'm always a little torn between sad to move on a tired of the old topic. I must admit I'm looking forward to studying about discipleship this quarter as it complements an in-depth study I've been doing in my personal bible study. I'm looking forward to a conversation this morning with my Sabbath School class about what it means to be a disciple.
What is a disciple?
How do you become a disciple?
Why do would someone want to become a disciple?
In the story of Jesus calling the four fishermen, whose idea was it for the fishermen to follow Jesus?
What did Jesus ask them to do?
What did they have to give up?
Put yourself in their shoe's, picture walking away from you family, home, and business to follow Jesus, how did they feel?
Why did they do it?
Can you be a disciple if you are not asked to follow the master?
Do you feel Jesus calling you to sit at his feet?
Can we be disciples today?
Is it possible to be a disciple of TV, or books, or a preacher or education or religion?
What or who are we disciples of?
What has collected my thoughts this week has been the power of Jesus' call, the invitation to follow, we cannot be disciples unless we are called, we cannot be lead unless we follow. We are all disciples of something and someone and our actions, our time, reveals the object of our devotions.
Posted by
Scott Wagner
6:22 AM
Labels: Discipleship, Sabbath School Lesson
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Poltical Commentary
Watching the political commentary spinning into hyper speed for an election that seems an eternity in the future I can't help but wonder: have we really thought about this? It seems we are so anxious to change, or we have been told we are desperate to change that we are rushing headlong into change, well, for the sake of change. I guess the thought of 10 months of political ads and non-stop candidate coverage is just giving me a headache. I tell my kids complaining about something without offering a solution is just whining so....I guess this is just whining because I have no solution. I saw a recent interview with Katy Curic where she dismisses Internet blogs as "guys in their pajamas impolitely spewing their opinions". So, with deference to Katy, in my opinion I need to get some pajamas.
Posted by
Scott Wagner
5:53 AM
Labels: Political commentary
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
A Changed World
I am troubled and saddened this week as I read and watch the accounts of the assassination of Bhutto. Not that I have a personal interest in the politics of Pakistan, but it is always sad to see someone give their life in pursuit of a cause and the pain of her family and supporters is something we all can identify with.
I wonder if anyone else sees the comparison to Archduke Franz Ferdinand in this sad tale. The politics of a small country being manipulated to advance the goals of powerful allies on each side. Often times, major historical events, earth changing forces are set in motion by seemingly insignificant actions.
The location and importance of Pakistan may seem relatively insignificant to us here in the US but maybe this is the seemingly insignificant event that will trigger a changed world. It is tempting to inject our own interpretations into events. It is impossible to know the path this action will lead our world down, however I think we can safely say, our path has been altered. I hope.
Posted by
Scott Wagner
8:42 AM
Labels: Bhutto