Thursday, January 3, 2008

Poltical Commentary

Watching the political commentary spinning into hyper speed for an election that seems an eternity in the future I can't help but wonder: have we really thought about this? It seems we are so anxious to change, or we have been told we are desperate to change that we are rushing headlong into change, well, for the sake of change. I guess the thought of 10 months of political ads and non-stop candidate coverage is just giving me a headache. I tell my kids complaining about something without offering a solution is just whining so....I guess this is just whining because I have no solution. I saw a recent interview with Katy Curic where she dismisses Internet blogs as "guys in their pajamas impolitely spewing their opinions". So, with deference to Katy, in my opinion I need to get some pajamas.

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