Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Call of Jesus, SS Disscussion Questions

Luke 5:1-11

Did Jesus have a relationship with the four?
Why did Jesus choose these men?
Why did Jesus use Peter’s boat?
Why did he instruct them to try and fish again?
What does Peters answer tell us about Peter?
Why did Jesus fill their boats with fish?
What was their response when Jesus asks them to follow him?
How did they know it was the right thing to do?

Luke 5:27-29

How were tax collectors viewed in Jewish society?
Why did Jesus call Matthew?
What was Jesus demonstrating by reaching out to Matthew?
How do you think the other disciple reacted?
How do you think the call of Matthew impacted Jesus’ ministry?

Do you think the disciples knew Jesus before he called them to follow him?
Did Jesus know them?
While they clearly didn’t understand his mission what did they see in him that emboldened them to follow him?
What advantage do we have today?
Does Jesus want us to be his disciples? How is he calling us?
Would you be willing to trust him completely and follow him?

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