Saturday, April 26, 2008

Jesus the Teacher

What did Jesus want to teach us about while he was here?
How did Jesus redefine God to those he spoke to?
Does his description of God affect us today?
How does seeing God as the Father of Jesus affect how we feel about Him?
Matthew 5:1-12
Why did this teaching amaze those who listened with it wisdom?
Does this passage have significant for us today? Why?
Do you see yourself in these words?
What does it mean by blessed?
How does this teaching relate to the Law given by Jesus on the Mount?
Hearing Jesus redefines Life, how does his teaching impact you?
How does his teaching give meaning to Humility, Grace and Forgiveness?
Can you trust his teaching?
Can we be the people Jesus describes in the beatitudes?
How does a student of Christ look in this church, today?

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