Saturday, November 8, 2008

Great Grace

There is a connection between great grace and total commitment to serving the needs of others. The statements great grace and “nor was there anyone among them who lacked” are linked. Simply put Acts describes a Christian community with “great grace” as a community that witnesses about Jesus and cares for the needs of all, a community of individuals with a total commitment to meeting the needs of all the people. There was a group of people, besides the twelve apostles, who had followed Jesus, sat at his feet and witnessed his tender interactions with so many hurting people. This group of men and women gathered the food, carried the tent, got the fire wood and tended to the needs of Jesus and the twelve. This was the core of the new church and they carried on doing for the new believers what they had done for Jesus. This is the group the writer of Acts discribes as having "Great Grace" upon them.

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