Saturday, December 29, 2007

Sabbath School Discussion Questions - December 29

Where did Jesus come from?
What was his family like?
What was it like to live in extreme poverty in Judea?
Was Jesus accepted among the people of Israel?

Luke 4:28-30, John 8:58-59

Why did the people try to stone him and throw him of a cliff?
How do you think Jesus felt? Why?
What were the people rejecting?
Can we fathom Jesus’ feelings, can we understand his pain at being rejected by his friends and neighbors?
How did Jesus deal with the rejection?
What other trials did Christ suffer in his time on this earth?
How did he deal with them?
Do we have access to the same strength?

Matthew 27:45

Paul exalts in sharing a small measure of Christ’s suffering and often we hear that Jesus suffered more than anyone ever will, but people, even today are tortured for their beliefs. Lots of people were crucified under the rule of the Romans so what makes Jesus’ suffering extraordinary? What makes his suffering greater than anything we will ever face?
Did he have a choice, could he have chosen not to endure the trial?
When did he decide to be sacrificed for sin?

This quarter we have studied trial and Jesus exhibited all of the qualities set forth as guidelines for endurance: Praise, meekness, patience, seeing the big picture, and dying like the seed. How do we apply these lessons today because we will face trial tomorrow?
Is this how we want to live?
What are we facing?
How will we get through?
How can we make this practice a way of life?

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