Have you ever wondered what the big deal with spiritualism is and why it figure so prominently into the prophecies concerning the end of time? It seems like such and obviously sinful and evil thing and my first question would be how could anybody be deceived by the occult?
What is the spiritualism anyway? Spiritualism is communication or worship with/of Satan and his fallen angels. For the answer to how spiritualism impacts the end time we have to think about the great controversy again. The great battle being waged between Satan and God. Satan is trying to win as many people to his side as possible and his favorite tactic is deceit. He must have the allegiance of as many of this earth’s people as possible and if he has to do this by misdirection, we know he will do whatever it takes. We don’t have time to discuss every avenue Satan has taken to subvert Christianity but I would like to discuss a couple of the most popular and destructive schemes being used today that concern spiritualism in a way that may not be obvious.
Christian are not deceived by the open worship of Satan and the pagan rituals and worship that have existed for thousands of years so lets talk about how Satan is working an enormous scheme today. Have you looked through a TV listing guide recently? If you have you have seen programs called Medium or psychic connection and shows with the premise being communication with the dead or characters with psychic abilities. At first blush this seems like something that would be openly condemned by established religion but they are facing a dilemma, their own teachings have given rise to the popularity of these TV programs. By telling Christians that upon death the soul goes to heaven or hell or purgatory mainstream Christianity has left the door open to the possibility humans might be able to contact and communicate with the souls of people who have died. The bible tell us definitively the dead know nothing (eccl )and Jesus refers to death as a sleep. By teaching the existence of an immortal soul the door is left open for spiritualism to creep in. If the dead know nothing, who do you think mediums are talking too? God would not allow his angels to participate in something that is completely opposite of what the bible teaches. Satan is the only one who stands to gain from a pretend conversation with someone who has died. He gains by deceiving someone, someone perhaps otherwise bound for heaven, into believing something God said is not true.
Perhaps an even greater deception being unleashed by Satan to deceive unsuspecting followers of Jesus is the practice of speaking in tongues. This practice is being promoted by many churches and has even been incorporated into the Catholic creed. Remember Satan doesn’t have to get us 100 percent off track he only must get us to waver 1 percent. Careful study of the gift of the Holy Spirit and the gift of tongues at Pentecost will reveal the misrepresentation of this gift today. At the time of the Pentecost the gift of tongues was used by the apostles to communicate with people from different regions with whom they did not share a dialect. The Holy Spirit spoke through the apostle to the heart of the potential convert in their own language bringing about conviction of sin, repentance and baptism. In modern churches speaking in tongues is seen as a sign of a convert’s earnestness, their own self gratification, and has nothing to do with reaching the ears of a foreigner with the good news about eternal life.
So what’s the big deal about spiritualism? As you can see the two examples given have affected the spiritual life of millions of people on this earth at this crucial end time. The only way to see past the elaborate deception is to open our bibles and diligently study it’s teaching on what happens when people die and how God reacts to those who try to communicate with Spirits.
Monday, December 17, 2007
How could anybody be decieved by spiritualism?
Posted by
Scott Wagner
5:58 PM
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