Mark 3:1-12
What do you notice about Jesus’ instructions?
Do all of these things apply to us today? How
Why did Jesus send the twelve out?
Why was there a delay between being called to discipleship and becoming apostles for the twelve?
How is the time of a disciple spent?
Luke 10:1-23
How is this similar to the commission of the twelve?
How is it different?
Why were they so happy?
What did Jesus say was the point of being a disciple?
What does discipleship have to do with having your name written in the book of life?
Matthew 5:13-16
What can we learn about being disciples from these verses?
How can you apply this?
Matthew 7:1-5
What can we learn about being disciples from these verses?
How can you apply this?
Matthew 7:15-20
What can we learn about being disciples from these verses?
How can you apply this?
What does being a disciple look like today?
Have you seen these truths reflected in the lives of those around you?
How do we reflect this in our lives?
If the Sermon on the Mount is our marching orders, what is Jesus telling us to do?
What does being a disciple look like today?
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Discussion Questions for Feb 16 Sabbath School Class
Posted by
Scott Wagner
8:01 AM
Labels: Discussion Questions, Sabbath School Lesson, Salvation and Discipleship
Saturday, February 9, 2008
A Dogs Life
The lesson impacted me this week greatly. As I prayfully read the story of the canaanite woman begging for the health of her child I came to see a truth. I have always identified myself with the disciples, the followers of Jesus, but truly I am but one of the dogs at his feet. It's amazing what a change in perspective can do. Seeing myself in a different way impacts the way I see Jesus. The effect my newfound perspective has on the way I relate to everyone around me is profound. My prayer for this week will be that I may keep this perspective and continue to live "a dogs life" as I relate to my neighbors.
Posted by
Scott Wagner
7:39 AM
Discipleship and Race
The Samaritans
The leper - Luke 17:11-16
Was there any distinction in the group before they were healed?
Why is it important that the Samaritan was the only one who returned?
What does this demonstrate about Jesus’ healing touch?
Who was he sent to heal?
The woman at the well - John 4:39-42
Why did the people come to hear Jesus?
What did Jesus do when the crowd came out to see him?
What did the people come to believe?
Why did the believe Jesus was the savior of the earth?
The Gentiles
The centurion - Luke 7:1-11
Who was this man and why did the Jews urge him to heal the servant?
What can we learn about disciple ship from how this man treated his servant?
How did the centurion get word about his servant to Jesus?
How did the centurion know about Jesus?
Why did the man send a servant to ask Jesus not to come to his house?
What can we learn about discipleship from this story?
Cornelius - Acts 10:28, 34, 35
Who was this man and why did an angel appear to him?
What was he told by the angle to do?
How did God prepare Peter to go and minister to these people?
Who was waiting for Peter when he returned with the servants?
What can we learn about discipleship from this story?
The woman – Matt 15-21-28
Does anything trouble you about this story?
Why were the disciples so hostile to this woman?
What lesson did the disciples learn from this story?
What can we learn from the disciples about discipleship in this story?
Us – Acts 11:1-3, Acts 17:26-28, Heb 2:9
What group of people would cause you to be shocked that a disciple would eat with?
What group do we belong to?
Does recognizing that all of us are as the dogs at Jesus feet impact how you see your neighbor?
Because of the civil rights movements in this country we really don’t have racial prejudices but do we make distinctions among believers?
Once again what group makes you uncomfortable to sit down with and share a meal?
How will this lesson affect you this week, how will it affect your behavior towards those who make us uncomfortable?
Posted by
Scott Wagner
7:34 AM
Labels: Discipleship, Ethnicity and religion, Race and discipleship
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Women Disciples - Sabbath School Discussion Questions , February 2nd
Women in Ministry - Luke 8:1-3
How did the Jewish religion view women?
Could women contribute spiritually?
Could they go to the temple and participate?
What did the crowd around Jesus look like?
What role did women have in Jesus’ ministry?
Mary – Luke 1:26-38
What would you have said?
How would you have felt?
Why did Mary take on this huge commitment?
What can we learn about discipleship from Mary?
The Women Who Touched His Garment – Mark 5:25-34
How did she approach Jesus?
Why was she so reticent?
Why did Jesus react so strongly to her touch?
What can we learn about discipleship from the woman?
Martha and Mary – Luke 10:38-42
What was Mary doing that annoyed Martha?
Why did Martha get upset?
What did Jesus tell Martha? Why?
What can we learn from this story about discipleship?
The Woman at the Well
How did Jesus approach this woman?
What did he say to her that impacted her so much?
What was her reaction?
What does it say about the kind of people Jesus is willing to use to bring others to him?
What characteristics of discipleship did this woman exhibit?
Lessons from Women
There is something unique about the perspective of these women that gives us a different view of what it means to be a disciple, how was their service different than the twelve?
Being a disciple includes more that just teaching and preaching, what characteristics of discipleship did these women demonstrate?
How can we apply these lessons to our own lives?
Posted by
Scott Wagner
6:45 AM
Labels: Women Ministry Discipleship